Memorial Inspiration

Haley At A Glance: Part 2

Haley At A Glance: Part 2
Being in a big family has always been something I’ve loved, even though my siblings get on my nerves I will always love it!

But something I have a difficult time with (being the second oldest) is after Lauren (the oldest) passed away, people would say to me that I was going to have to step into her roll of being the oldest.

Haley At A Glance: Part 1

Haley At A Glance: Part 1
"... loss does not have to be a subject that is overlooked, silenced for fear of upsetting someone, or just thought about and not talked about. We need others to lift us up when things are hard. So don’t be afraid to ask those who've lost a loved one “How are you doing?” or “Can I talk with you or pray with you?” We mourn daily, and some days we just need a little more support to get through another day."