by Rachel Fitzgerald
"I thought I was dying too"
Christmas Eve, 2012. Standing in a pew at the Christmas Midnight service at church my right hand became numb and then ...
Posted in
anniversary after loss,
baby loss,
best support,
birthday in heaven,
broken heart syndrome,
cardiac pain after loss,
child loss,
christmas in heaven,
collin fitzgerld,
Condolence card,
friends dad died,
friends mom died,
funeral eulogy,
hurting after loss,
in memory of dad,
infant loss,
journey through loss,
men grieving,
new richmond,
pain of grief,
painful loss support,
physical pain of loss,
remembering baby,
souls find each other,
support after loss,
supporting my friend,
supportyong a froend,
sympathy card,
sympathy card ideas,
sympathy gift,
sympathy gifts,
when grief hurts